About Us

We know it’s hard to choose between the plethora of choices when it comes to information about Understanding and Treating Childhood and adult Autism Spectrum and Other Brain, Behavioral, and Learning Disorders. After all, there are so many factors to consider. But don’t worry, we have you covered! We have many program reviews, information, and other great content about the brain and especially anything related to autism spectrum disorders,   

Whether you are in desperate need of knowing how to use a learning program, are looking to try a new one, or are simply looking for more information about brain, autism spectrum, behaviors and learning challenges there is something for you here at Dreamweaver House


What Is Dreamweaver House?

This site, Dreamweaverhouse.com, is a funding sister organization to the not -for- profit Foundation Dreamweaver House Foundation  (WWW.DREAMWEAVERHOUSE.ORG ). Dreamweaver House Foundationis a 15-year-old not-for-profit clinical center based in New York. It aims to help curb the epidemic of autism spectrum and other brain, behavioral, and learning disorders by helping make the most modern and effective information and drug-free protocols available and FREE to all families at our center in New York. Our online  products for use-at-home is available for what is equivalent to a donation for our in clinic work to families who travel to us from all over the country.

Dreamweaver describe their mission as a continuing search to foster solutions for these challenged families. They constantly draw together the expert advice of and work with an ever-expanding volunteer coalition of qualified, American, and internationally innovative and experienced MD’s, neuroscientists, behavioral scientists, researchers, new-media educators, and special education teachers.

Proceeds from the activities of this site, helps to fund the work of the Foundation


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