The numbers and progression are worrying. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, one in 150 children has Autism Spectrum Disorder or ASD back in 2000. But the latest data reveal that there is now one in 54 children affected.
Further research is still required to accurately determine the progression of the disorder. Regardless, one thing is clear: there is a need for accessible and alternative interventions.
Hence, allow us to present one viable option: Brain Retrain. In this Brain Retrain review, we’ll look into this clinically proven program as a potential drug-free alternative to see if it will work for your child.

Brain Retrain
It was Albert Einstein who said that energy and matter are just two sides of the same coin. Everything existing in the universe, both animate and inanimate objects, has its own energy signature manifested through frequency. Thus, it is no surprise that frequencies can significantly influence the human brain.
This premise perfectly captures the essence of Brain Retrain, a program that uses audio frequencies to stimulate particular areas of the brain to influence learning and behavior. The question is, will it work on those diagnosed with an autism spectrum disorder?
Scientific journals refer to this method as auditory neurofeedback. A study published in the journal, Frontiers in Neurology, conducted an experiment that involved 83 children diagnosed with autism as participants. In just 12 weeks and using particular binaural beats through a neurofeedback device, they have already seen significant positive changes in the participants’ brain activities.
In another paper, published by Autism Research and Treatment, neurofeedback was listed as a non-invasive and non-ingestible complementary and alternative treatment for autism spectrum disorder. They highlighted that several studies have already concluded that the method is effective, especially in improving behavior, social interaction, and communication skills.
We also want to mention that music therapy was featured in the paper as a safe, accessible, and acceptable alternative treatment.
From Reading Movies To Brain Retrain
Brain Retrain is a program developed by the DreamWeaver House Foundation and SFK Media Corp. The DreamWeaver House Foundation is a non-profit, self-funded, and non-salaried community service organization based in New York.
They offer consultations, evaluations, and care to children with autism and related neurological, behavioral, and learning disorders. They have medical doctors, researchers, clinicians, and other professionals and volunteers who have devoted their time and effort to the facility.
Through years of dedicated services and experiences, their experts have discovered that retraining the brain using the laws of quantum physics is a clinically proven starting point to help children struggling with autism. Meanwhile, SFK Media Corp is another New York-based company dedicated to helping children with neurobehavioral disorders through entertaining, educational products and services.
These two pioneers in autism treatment developed the product Reading Movies. These are interactive books in the form of movies with patented Action Caption Technology or referred to as ReadSpeak captioning.
Reading Movies has already helped countless students before to improve their reading and communication skills. It is clear that it can still be further improved, though. That is why Brain Retrain was born.
It is an expansion of Reading Movies that combines neurofeedback and ReadSpeak captioning with the use of audio brainwaves. It goes well beyond just developing reading and communication skills. It also positively influences a person’s focus, concentration, and other cognitive abilities.
They have chosen specific frequencies known to stimulate brain elasticity and trigger its natural healing abilities. Think of the brain as an orchestra being played by two groups of musicians: the left and the right hemispheres.
Now, imagine them not being in sync with each other. Wouldn’t it result in a cacophony? Brain Retrain seeks to promote synchronicity by using frequencies to uncover the real music that already exists within.
Who Is This Product For?
As mentioned, Brain Retrain was developed to help children with autism spectrum disorders. It is a learning program designed for home use, particularly for families who cannot visit the DreamWeaver House and enjoy their services. Parents will find that the Brain Retrain learning protocol is easy and convenient to use.
Finally, this program was developed for educators, especially those who want to try out an alternative approach after using various seemingly ineffective methods.
What’s Included?
The complete Brain Retrain program comes with 16 audio-visual programs. These include the three literary classics in the original Reading Movie package: 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea, Gulliver’s Travels, and The Trojan Horse.
You can also expect dictionaries, game guidebooks, workbooks, and dialogue books for three users. Finally, Brain Retrain has more than 10,000 words of dialogue for children to learn.
Overview of the Features
The stories included in the Brain Retrain program have long been proven engaging and captivating. Take Gulliver’s Travels by Jonathan Swift, for instance. Who wouldn’t be engrossed with the six-inch inhabitants of Lilliput or the giants of Brobdingnag?
The story alone is not enough to keep one’s attention, though, especially if you have a young audience with autism. That’s why DreamWeaver House and SFK Media made sure they have an entertaining cast, colorful costumes, and strategic delivery.
It is then combined with the Action Caption Technology that presents each dialogue in big, clear words as they are spoken. The result really seems as if the viewers are reading a book as they’re experiencing a movie. This is then layered with the binaural beats that make Brain Retrain unique from other “reading programs.”
We also love how interactive Brain Retrain is. You can use it on both your TV and computer. It contains multiple story games as well, formulated to increase a child’s vocabulary and comprehension further.
The developers have a quick disclaimer about their program, though. They wish to remind users that it isn’t intended for medical diagnosis or treatment.
Since it is non-ingested and non-invasive, Brain Retrain also doesn’t require FDA approval. It is not designed to serve as a replacement for any medication currently being taken. Discontinuation of any medication or treatment should only be done under your doctor’s advice.
Please keep in mind that according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, “No treatment has been shown to cure autism spectrum disorders.” These are simply interventions that individuals with ASD can undergo to alleviate symptoms and improve cognitive function and behavior.
Lastly, there are different types of autism spectrum disorders. Each case is also unique, so results from the Brain Retrain program will vary for each child.
- Easy and convenient
- Good for home-use
- Entertaining and engaging
- Promotes reading and communication skills
- Improves cognitive functions and behavior
- Not intended for diagnosis or treatment
- No FDA approval
- Results will vary

How To Get the Most Out of Brain Retrain
Indeed, the benefits you’ll get from Brain Retrain can vary according to your child’s case. However, there are steps to increase the efficiency of the program. Here they are:
- Be Consistent
Just like any other learning or therapeutic program, Brain Retrain will only work with dedication and consistency. Even with Reading Movies’ clear captioning technology, it will still take time for your child to recognize the connection between the written and spoken words.
Binaural beats also don’t work automatically. The brain will need some time to repair or modify itself enough to make substantial and recognizable changes.
- Set a Fixed Schedule
The secret to being consistent is a fixed schedule. Specialists also claim that children with ASD thrive better in a highly structured routine. It will definitely help create a habit out of Brain Retrain.
- Apply Positive Reinforcement
Children with autism respond well to positive reinforcement. The trick lies in the timing, though, so you need to make an effort to catch them actually doing something good.
Don’t just commend them for finishing a session. Instead, praise them for doing specific actions.
It will also help if you add a concrete component to it, such as giving them a real star or sticker as a reward. Plus points if you can turn your Brain Retrain sessions be the reward.
- Turn It Into a Fun Family Affair
Another factor related to the previous tip is that you would have to be there with your kid during the Brain Retrain session to catch their small wins. You can definitely set up the session that will allow the child to go through it independently.
Still, that wouldn’t change the fact that the program will be more efficient through your close guidance. Turn it into an opportunity to bond with your child.
Make it a delightful experience as much as possible. You can even turn it into a regular family affair.
- Minimize Distractions
While the developers really made an effort to make this program very engaging for a young audience, it is still probably not as distraction-proof as your child’s favorite YouTube video. Thus, it is crucial to turn your session area as minimally cluttered as possible.
It should still be comfortable, though. For instance, you can allow your child’s favorite stuffed animal to join the session but not their iPad.
- Don’t Be Afraid To Ask for Help
Finally, it wouldn’t hurt to contact DreamWeaver House directly if you have other queries or concerns. One of the things we really appreciate is this company’s accessibility and transparency.
You will find DreamWeaver House and SFK Media Corp’s addresses and contact numbers on their respective websites. Aside from that, most of their department heads have their direct email addresses published一an excellent sign that you can reach out to them anytime.
There is no doubt how impressive the Brain Retrain program is, but it still relies on one crucial factor that might not be applicable to some children: the capacity to pay attention for an extended period.
That can be exceedingly challenging for more severe cases. Thus, you might want to consider Mente as an alternative option.
Mente is a product developed by Neurotech International Ltd., based in Australia. Like Brain Retrain, Mente also uses high-frequency brainwaves to help children with autism.
It doesn’t include any show or game that the child would need to pay attention to. Instead, it is an audio device that you can strap onto your child’s head to deliver the sounds.
You can control the device settings through the Mente app that you can download to your phone regardless if it’s Android or Apple. Mente is specifically recommended for cases so severe that eye contact rarely occurs.
Like Brain Retrain, Mente is not a miracle worker. It will still take time before apparent changes become noticeable. According to the manufacturers, it can take up to eight weeks of consistent sessions for benefits to show.
Some of these benefits include increased eye contact, focus, and positive social behaviors. Just a quick disclaimer, Mente is unsuitable for people with an increased risk of epileptic activity. Further research is also still being made to determine its efficiency on adults.
Brain Retrain Review: In Conclusion
Unfortunately, Autism Spectrum Disorders are more prevalent than ever before. As such, it really is a good thing that organizations like DreamWeaver House and SFK Media Corp. tirelessly push forward to develop programs like Brain Retrain to help children with autism.
Brain Retrain is actually an upgrade of their previous hit, Reading Movies. It is a series of movies that apply their patented Action Caption technology. Their films have now been made better with the addition of high-frequency brainwaves to stimulate the healing processes of our brain further and decrease ASD symptoms.
Their program will improve reading, vocabulary, and other necessary literacy skills. Plus, the added audio component ensures that the audience’s cognitive ability and social behavior improve.
As an alternative, we also looked in Mente, a strap-on device that delivers these high-frequency brainwaves directly without the need to watch a show and read-along.
We understand that there are cases that simply won’t benefit from this added effort. In the end, it will still boil down to you and your child’s needs and goals. Our main objective is to present you with viable alternative interventions for ASD.

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