brain retraining program

Brain Retraining Program by Dreamweaver House: A More Accessible Option

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Is your loved one with neurobehavioral disorder been undergoing treatment for so long? Do you feel like you have lost all hope because you have tried everything, but nothing seems to work very well or has no long-lasting effect? It also stresses you out that most are either not accessible or very expensive?

Do not give up the fight just yet; you are never alone in this challenge. Various medical, scientific, therapeutic, and special education professionals work tirelessly to develop effective, affordable, science-based interventions like retraining the brain. We seem to have found the culmination of them all, and that’s Dreamweaver House’s Brain Retraining Program.

Brain Retraining Program by Dreamweaver House

Dreamweaver House Foundation is a 15-year-old not-for-profit clinical center based in New York. It aims to help curb the epidemic of autism spectrum and other brain, behavioral, and learning disorders by helping make the most modern and effective information and drug-free protocols available and affordable to all families.

Dreamweaver describe their mission as a continuing search to foster solutions for these challenged families. They constantly draw together the expert advice of and work with an ever-expanding volunteer coalition of qualified, American, and internationally innovative and experienced MD’s, neuroscientists, behavioral scientists, researchers, new-media educators, and special education teachers.

The Protocols

At its Long Island center, Dreamweaver offers several drug-free and non-invasive bio-energetic and nutritional protocols, which they regard as proven and effective for retraining the brains of children and adults. Dreamweaver refers to these protocols as often unknown by or simply overlooked by mainstream practitioners. Their personnel has close to two decades of training and experience in using and administering these protocols, which include :

  • Brainwave Entrainment
  • Biomodulator and Transducer Therapy
  • Resonant Frequency Body Patches Fueled by Multi-Wave Oscillator Technology
  • Energetic Homeopathy, Driven by Scalar Energy
  • Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation
  • Cutting-Edge Botanical or Nutritional Remedies

These protocols are physically available to families able to attend regularly scheduled appointments at Dreamweaver’s Center in Long Island, New York. Those unable to do so can access Dreamweaver’s home-use brain retraining program, which brings us to its Brain Retrain Learning Program and Caregivers Course.

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Dreamweaver Brain Retrain Learning Program and Caregivers Course

The Dreamweaver Brain Retrain Learning Program and Caregivers Course is a comprehensive collection of synergistic therapeutic programs available for corrective care of Autism Spectrum Disorder and other brain, behavioral, and learning disorders. It was developed, classroom-tested, and proven effective for over a decade within Dreamweaver House Foundation’s A.L.L (Autism Learning Laboratory).

How This Brain Retraining Therapy Course Works

The program initially begins by focusing on reading, comprehension, and literacy skills, ensuring that the first step is an enjoyable journey towards retraining your brain to reach an automatic learning mode. It is an audio and visual entertainment program, so it’s child-friendly and encourages children to participate in the process actively.

The Brain Retrain Learning Program or Caregivers Course shows how to guide the natural elasticity of the young brain towards activating unresolved learning centers of the brain and initiating the opening of new neural pathways of cognition, which ultimately synchronizes both hemispheres of the brain. It employs cutting-edged SNAA™ (Sympathetic Neuro Acoustic Audio), Somatic Brainwave Entrainment™, Action Captions™, Reading Movies™, and sensory and movement exercises through music and spoken word entertainment to achieve those.

Principles Involved

Brain retraining therapy is based on the principle of learning to read well at any age; in fact, a paper states that reading has a significant role in learning a language. Here are the important principles in the natural model from the point of view of language learning:

  • Input and Output

Naturally, the brain produces sentences based on what they have seen or heard, known as input. So the way to improve is to feed your brain with a lot of inputs. Meaning, before you can start writing or speaking (output) in any language, your brain would need to get enough correct sentences in that specific language.

Trying to write or speak the language before experiencing input is not the way to improve language skills. It should be noted that there is the possibility of damage to the learning of English through early and careless output.

Also, it is not necessary to force-feed grammar rules. It will also come naturally after input and during the subsequent output stage. It is during the output stage that you should begin learning the rules of grammar.

You learned your first language without studying prepositions, tenses, and the like, so you can learn any language in that way, too. You will be surprised, but English phrases will just come to you when you write or speak.

  • Repetition

The viewer would have given the brain thousands of English sentences by repeatedly viewing the Brain Retrain Reading Movie in English. They will have become a part of that viewer’s experience of acquiring a language naturally. No longer can that viewer make a mistake and say “I feeled badly.”, if they have seen and heard the correct phrase “I felt bad.” 50 times in the last Reading Movie viewed.

The Action Captions™ Technology goes far beyond helping students develop literacy skills. It provides an important visual aid that promotes listening comprehension. It also reinforces the process of vocabulary acquisition, accelerates the mastery of grammatical structures and morphological forms, and assists proper pronunciation of a given word in context with its written form.

The technology also lends itself as a made-to-order graphic tool for creating a Brain Retrain Phonics curriculum, both for teaching English­ speaking students and English as a second language.

Is Dreamweaver’s Brain Retraining Therapy the Best Option?

Nobody has the real answer, and certainly, Dreamweaver House does not propose that it is. However, the well-researched and clinically proven scientific data tells us that we need to be aware of all these disorders, which are all multi-factorial events affecting the brain. These can include possible birthing mishaps, vaccination injury, viruses, and other invaders caused by genetics, the environment, diet, and pharmaceutical drugs.

All these also relate to how we can retrain the brain to process brainwaves and other frequencies and create interventions that can synchronize both hemispheres of the brain.

The good news is that years of research and clinical use have proven that with the Brain Retraining Protocols of therapeutics practiced at Dreamweaver House, specifically the Brain Retrain Learning Program or Caregivers Course for home use, these challenges and disorders can all be dramatically improved. And ultimately, if used properly and diligently, they are all correctable.

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